polo ralph lauren online shop Donna ralph lauren opportunity Latest comments in rssi just don think edgar(Aka eddie)Gets it yet.The windsor international aquatic and training centre presented by the windsor family credit union is his political water loo!My own view is that people are prepared to forgive him for the fiasco known as the east end arena whose naming rights were purchased by the windsor family credit union.Even if there are operating losses every year, i don think that people are too upset considering that we have wanted a new arena here for so many years and we are dealing with hockey, canada national game.We are not dealing with swimming or diving or even water polo(Which will be coming soon i would bet).Seriously, how many people in windsor are concerned with those sports?How many people are happy about spending 80+ million dollars for these sports!The mayor focus on filling up the pool with any event at which he can throw money means that he taking his eye off of what he had claimed was his major responsibility:Jobs, jobs, jobs.His claims of economic prosperity based on events like the kids games are being mocked even by the windsor star.No one takes those dollar numbers seriously even though edgar and his buddy, gord orr, try to
polo ralph lauren mercer club steam roller us with them.What is doing though is helping to destroy any credibility that the mayor has left.His determination to land sports events here is almost becoming laughable.I must admit that i did not watch all of it, that is what videotaping is for, but i could not believe how long edgar spoke on the various items at council dealing with the summer games and diving.Major presentations for that kind of stuff that dragged on for so long give me a break!Councillor marra must be feeling the same way that i am.Who knows, maybe he has had some polling done for him or perhaps has seen the polling results of others.Or perhaps he is just listening to people in the community who are fed up with the mayor going around the world business class at taxpayer expense for frivolities.I sure that he can feel as well as i can that the star might be becoming somewhat disillusioned with edgar considering what they have been writing over the past weeks.That is my rationale for this:8 Coun.Bill marra was the only councillor to vote against both proposals put forward by the mayor, while ward 4 coun.Alan halberstadt joined him in opposition to the summer games.Think we starting to bite off a bit too much, said marra, who told reporters he felt the events come at too high a cost in financial and city staffing resources.In his discussions with citizens, doesn come up as a priority, he added. (Doug schmidt windsor star october 8, 2013)Is bill standing up to edgar now?Has he finally got the nerve to do so?He has tried this before and then backed off.What is going to happen this time around, especially considering that it is about a year before the next election?Has he just kicked off his mayoral campaign for 2014?Of course, marra must have realized that he is committing political suicide by daring to oppose the mayor legacy projects. The Mayor has failed atJobs, jobs, jobs so that being a sports impresario and building ego monuments is all that he has left.Marra must know that he is now a target and must have made the political determination that he just didn care.Clearly, marra is also being helped by edgar blunders with the virtually empty mro is it true that the boeing jet left after only being in windsor for a week and now the non announcement over the cargo cluster where effectively the federal government is putting up money so that fedex can move their operation from one building to another.If that is economic diversification, then we are really in trouble in his city.Everything that edgar seems to be doing these days is another mis step by him.It is something upon which marra can capitalize if he plays his cards right.The mayor just handed him another golden opportunity on a silver platter:Electric buses.Nothing seems to have prompted it other than perhaps the failures of byd buses in california.Perhaps this was a pre emptive move on the part of edgar for fear that the story was about to come out.Or maybe it is something more, a political move against marra to knock him out of the mayoral race before it even starts.In any event, all that edgar has done is remind people of his fiasco known as byd buses and the plant and jobs that we never got here.His bravado was remarkable considering that it is another one of his failures:Are certain things we don't compromise on.We don't compromise on principle and we don't compromise on safety, francis said. "At all times, i was very clear, crystal clear, as to the city's position,"He said. "We will not buy any bus until those buses pass inspection i'm as careful as careful gets.I'm very protective of the public purse. "The gist of the story is that we are going to have another fiasco overElectric buses because Edgar is talking to other companies.Of course, everything is secret and we will hear something in a few weeks.Par for the course.If marra is serious about running for mayor, then he needs to step up now and tell edgar to butt out.Bill is the chair of transit windsor and not the mayor.There is no reason for the mayor to do these kind of deals that impact transit, perhaps negatively.Has the mayor even told the transit windsor chair what he is doing?We saw that friction before over byd buses.Are we going to see it again?After all, how much time was wasted because transit windsor could not do anything because of the byd deal.Now that this deal is seemingly dead, is transit windsor to sit around for more time while edgar has another one of his mind eye visions?Marra needs to tell him that he should go back to being a don king wannabe and to keep his nose out of transit windsor business.He should be telling the mayor that we can afford his plans, even if they are real plans, detailed plans.This time around, marra should demand a real business plan from the mayor and not let him pretend that he knows what he doing.Moreover, marra should insist that transit windsor must take the lead, not the mayor, assuming that there is a need to move forward on something.Marra has no choice.This is a direct hit again by edgar at marra area of responsibility.Perhaps this is how edgar has decided to challenge him after marra stood up to him over the vote on sports.If marra buckles under, then it is over for him for running for mayor.He can never recover.
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