Changing schools and finding my way The transition between seventh and eighth grade was a difficult one for me.The school i had gone to for my entire life was closing down, so i had to start the eighth grade in a new school.Like most people in junior high, i was a little bit shy and uncomfortable in my own skin, so i really didn't want to go to a new school with so many new people.I
Italia outlet ralph lauren polo was absolutely certain that i would never fit in.This new school was going to be a private school with a strict uniform policy.It was also thirty minutes away from my home, so i was certainly not going to run into people i knew. On the first day of eighth grade, i put on my dark blue polo and matching plaid skirt, and i got into my mom's car.For the entire thirty minute drive, i clutched the side of the car door as if i was going to jump out, but really i just needed to hold something to keep my hands from shaking.When we got there, i said goodbye to my mom and went inside the huge building that seemed to be looming over me, daring me to enter. I sat in the foyer of the junior high, waiting to be directed to my new homeroom.I was early, so there weren't many other people there.Eventually, another girl arrived.She sat next to me and introduced herself as lexi.Even though i was terrified, her huge smile put me at ease.We spent the next half hour talking about why i had to transfer schools.Lexi was also entering eighth grade, but she had gone to this school three years already.We sat together in homeroom, and she introduced me to her friends.It was such a relief that i didn't have to awkwardly introduce myself. The homeroom teacher gave us our locker assignments, and i went to go find mine.As it turned out, lexi's was the locker to the right of mine.I couldn't believe my luck.We went to put our things in our lockers.I
polo ralph lauren shorts felt completely at ease right away, and then i turned to my left and saw my other locker mate.He was disarmingly gorgeous with baby blue eyes.He smiled awkwardly, and i'm sure i blushed.Eighth grade ended up being a great year.I had a new best friend in lexi from day one, and the transition that i was dreading ended up being one of the most exciting experiences of my young life. Published by tiffany renee harmon Tiffany renee harmon isA pop culture fanatic who owns far too many cosmeticsAnd shoes.Her hobbies include shoppingAt sephoraAnd reading fashion magazines.She holdsA
polo hackett b.A.In english literature from th.View profile Virginia tax free weekend:Back to school shoppingin virginia this weekend, certain back to school items will not be subject to taxation.There is a lot that needs to get done before school begins.
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