Gangsters held guns to our heads and said smuggle cocaine or we will kill you Scot melissa reid and her friend michaela mccollum were forced into the drugs run to peru after being lured off the streets of ibiza and handed over to a south american drugs cartel, they say. Scot melissa reid and her friend michaela mccollum were forced into the drugs run to peru after being lured off the streets of ibiza and handed over to a south american drugs cartel, they say. Scot melissa reid and her friend michaela mccollum were forced into the drugs run to peru after being lured off the streets of ibiza and handed over to a south american drugs cartel, they say.+1 Scot melissa reid and her friend michaela mccollum were forced into the drugs run to peru after being lured off the streets of ibiza and handed over to a south american drugs cartel, they say. Two british girls caught smuggling 1.5million worth of cocaine out of Peru were ordered to"Do it or die"By ruthless drugs lords. Melissa reid and michaella mccollum were lured off the streets of ibiza by a shady cockney"Geezer"And had guns placed to their heads after being handed over to a south american drug cartel. The sinister gang had gathered details of the girls' families in glasgow and belfast and threatened violent reprisals if they failed to follow their demands. Speaking from a
Home ralph lauren heavily guarded cell in lima's maximum security dirando police station yesterday, the terrified pair gave their version of events for the first time. The girls who are due in court in lima today told how they were sucked into an international drug smuggling ring with tentacles reaching from peru to europe. They fought to keep their compusure knowing they could be left to rot in a notorious prison run from the inside by violent gangs of drug smugglers and murderers. The girls described how what should have been the summer of their lives quickly turned in to a living nightmare. After being targeted by the mysterious cockney, melissa and michaella were robbed of their passports and mobile phones and spirited away from spain to peru by violent gangsters. Once in south america, they were ordered on pain of death to carry 11kg of cocaine hidden in food packets back to majorca. Both girls told how they were initially targeted on nights out in ibiza, where they were working for the summer. Strolling along outside the bustling nightclubs dressed in a ralph lauren polo shirt and
giacche rosse uomo shorts, the cockney looked like any other tourist out for a good time. But behind the laid back look was a sinister character feared for his connections with the island's most ruthless south american cartels. As melissa and michaella tell the story, his role was to use death threats and extreme violence to turn party girls into drug mules. Each girl is offered nothing but her life in return for carrying millions of pounds worth of cocaine to europe. The gangs use a series of secret safe
polo ralph lauren prezzo houses, moving their victims around from day to day to ensure they are left disorientated. Other gang members find out as much detail as they can about the girls, including family members' addresses and phone numbers. Melissa, 19, from lenzie, glasgow, told how her ordeal began when she was in an ibiza nightclub and got separated from her friends.
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